Sweet Oliver. He is the most animated little guy! He turned a year old and we celebrated with a family session! I love seeing this little family. Check out his reaction of the horse trying to say hello!

Family, One Year

August 8, 2014

Oliver – 1 year {charlotte baby photographer}

 This family was so much fun to work with! Such happy kiddos and mama and daddy’s love for each other just shines through. They were so natural in front of my camera!!

Children, Family

July 29, 2014

Sweet Family of Four {charlotte family photographer}

This mama was my daughter’s physical therapist before we moved last July. She is such an amazing woman and really taught and helped us so much when it came to my little girls “disability” (hate that word!).  She is incredibly patient and kind, and I was so excited when she contacted me about her maternity and […]

Children, Family, Maternity

March 13, 2014

Waiting on a baby boy! {charlotte maternity photographer}